Estate Planning

Something everyone should have.
Everyone has an estate with value, no matter how large or small you think your estate may be. Everyone’s estate is very unique, and must be hand crafted to meet your specific needs. We tackle numerous issues, including the primary issues clients present, such as probate avoidance and eliminating estate taxes.
Throughout this website are multiple pages that provide more content on specifics of Estate Planning. Anyone that comes to our office for Estate Planning will be offered and provided guidance on numerous issues for your Estate Planning needs.
The most common Estate Planning issues we cover are:
- Wills = a binding legal document where you determine who inherits your estate upon your death.
- Trusts (created during life or by operation of a Will) = an entity that holds your assets to avoid probate, avoid taxes, or both.
- Health Care Directives = appointing a trusted person to make your health care decisions if you are unable to do so.
- Power of Attorney = appointing a trusted person to make financial decisions if you are unable to do so.
- Family Law Considerations = marriage considerations, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and carrying for children.
- Business Succession Planning = structuring entities to avoid liability and minimize taxes with Partnerships, Corporations, and Limited Liability Companies.
- Tax Analysis = reducing or eliminating taxes on assets you pass to others at death.
After reviewing basic Estate Planning options with clients, I suggest more complex Estate Planning options, which can include one, or a combination of many, of the following:
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts = eliminating estate taxes assessed on life insurance proceeds.
- Special Needs Trust = preserving government benefit eligibility while still providing for loved ones.
- Charitable Trusts = tax avoidance during life or at death to benefit causes important to you.
- Gift Planning = providing for loved ones and charities during life without incurring a gift tax and lowering future estate taxes.